Essential Guide to Flea and Tick Infestations


Fleas and ticks are a common problem that pet owners face, especially during the warmer months. They can be found in outdoor areas, as well as indoors, making it essential to take preventative measures. In this essential guide, we will explore the key factors of effective flea and tick prevention, including the identification of these pests, the dangers they pose, and the various preventative measures that can be taken. By following this guide, you can provide the best protection for your furry friends and keep them free from these irritating parasites.

Common Signs and Symptoms of Flea and Tick Infestations

Flea and tick infestations can cause significant discomfort and health issues for both humans and pets. Some common signs and symptoms of these infestations include:

  • Excessive scratching or biting of the skin
  • Redness or inflammation in the affected area
  • Hair loss
  • Presence of small black or brown specks on the skin (flea dirt)
  • Visible ticks or their eggs
  • Development of skin infections.

Additionally, pets may experience behavioral changes such as restlessness or irritability. Recognizing these signs and symptoms is crucial in order to promptly address and treat flea and tick infestations to prevent further complications.

Prevention Methods for Fleas and Ticks

Prevention methods for fleas and ticks are crucial to ensure the health and well-being of your pets. These pests can not only cause irritation and discomfort to your furry friends but also transmit diseases. Here are some effective prevention methods to keep fleas and ticks at bay:

  • Regular grooming: Brushing your pet's fur regularly helps to remove any fleas or ticks that may be hiding in their coat.
  • Use flea and tick prevention products: There are many options available such as topical treatments, collars, and oral medications that can help prevent infestations.
  • Keep the environment clean: Regularly vacuum your home, especially areas where your pets spend most of their time. Wash their bedding frequently as well.
  • Check for ticks after outdoor activities: After going for walks or spending time in grassy areas, thoroughly inspect your pet's fur for any ticks. Promptly remove any ticks found.
  • Avoid areas with high tick infestation: Stay away from heavily wooded areas or places with tall grass where ticks are more commonly found.

Professional Perimeter Pest Services

Our company offers professional perimeter pest services to help in the treatment and prevention of flea and tick infestations. Fleas and ticks can pose a serious threat to the health and well-being of both humans and pets. These parasites can transmit diseases and cause discomfort and irritation. Our team of experts uses specialized techniques and products to effectively eliminate flea and tick infestations from your property. We provide a comprehensive approach that includes thorough inspections, targeted treatments, and ongoing monitoring to ensure long-lasting results. With our professional perimeter pest services in Oklahoma City, you can enjoy a pest-free environment and peace of mind knowing that your home and loved ones are protected. Contact us today! 

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